Monday, January 28, 2019

Know more about VK Shunglu, a 1962 batch retired IAS who’s given Padma Bhushan

A DAY after the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi ended with much fun-fare in October 2010, the then Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, appointed a panel to look into the allegations of corruption related to the mega sporting event. The man at the held was former Comptroller and Auditor General and 1962 batch IAS, V K Shunglu. On Friday, the present Modi Sarkar conferred him Padma Bhushan for his exceptional performance in the field of civil service. The only other civil servant who was also given the Padma award this year was…
S Jaishankar, a 1977 batch Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer who served as India’s ambassador to China and USA before becoming India’s foreign secretary. Jaishankar was given Padma Shri.
Let’s now know more about Shunglu who was given Padma Bhushan. He was the Comptroller and Auditor General between 1996 and 2002, and was a trail blazer in forcing all civil servants to declare their assets.
Shunglu did his MA in history from the University of Delhi before getting into IAS. In the service, he was special secretary in the ministry of power, secretary in the department of company affairs and ministry of health and family welfare. He then became secretary in the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP). 
Shunglu was also the chairman of the UN Board of Auditors General and a member of the UN Panel of External Auditors. He was also appointed as the external auditor of the International Maritime Organization headquartered at London and Rome-headquartered Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
As a civil servant, Shunglu wore many caps, but he will always be remembered for one big initiative. He and a few other bureaucrats first wrote to the then Prime Minister arguing that public service conduct rules should be amended and assets of bureaucrats should be disclosed in public domain. It got implemented then. 
In a Twitter post on Saturday, IAS Association wrote the following for Shunglu: “Congratulations to Shri V K Shunglu IAS on being conferred the Padma Bhushan for his exceptional performance in the field of Civil Service. A man of highest integrity and commitment who  has excelled in all his assignments. An honour well deserved.”

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