Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Govt modifies rules on accommodation allowance for officers selected for foreign universities

IN PARTIAL modification of the existing rules, the government has brought in better clarity on the kind of reimbursement that an officer selected for government-sponsored study in a foreign university, should receive. The government has decided to give accommodation allowance at the rate of US $ 750 per month for normal cities and US $ 1,000 per month in big cities, only if…
both the University accommodation and University recommended accommodation are not
available, according to a letter issued by the training division of the DoPT to chief secretaries and union secretaries dated October 17.
Every year, the Central government through DoPT sponsors officers for undergoing training in various foreign universities or institutions under the Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) scheme. The entitlement of nominated officers for various allowances under the scheme was notified in a letter dated January 19, 2011. According to the current partial modification of the existing rules, here are the new guidelines for accommodation reimbursements:
a) University accommodation should be taken, the rent of which will be paid as per actual, subject to it being for a single bedroom accommodation. 
b) In case the university accommodation is very limited and not available to all officers nominated for the programme, then university empanelled accommodation can be taken. 
c) University-recommended/empanelled accommodation will be treated at par with the university accommodation. The accommodation allowance will be paid on actual. 
d) In case where both the university accommodation and university-recommended accommodation are not available, the accommodation allowance may be given at the rate of US $ 750 per month and US $ 1,000 per month in normal cities and big cities respectively.
e) The officer in that case would need to submit a certificate from that university or the institute that university/institute accommodation/recommended accommodation is not available.
“Further, as a matter of policy, accommodation and living allowances shall be paid for the period of training including one week (7 days) at the beginning of the programme and one week (7 days) at the end of the programme, subject to the total period of training being within one year”, the letter dated October 17, said. 

1 comment:

  1. This won't even afford the officer a decent room, let alone apartment. Another example of so called 'bonanza'! Even IFS probationers get 4-5 times more than this during language training years and they barely manage an apartment in that.
