Monday, July 25, 2016

Spot NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant wearing HoloLens; what it is and how it has many industrial applications

Amitabh Kant (Photo Courtesy: Twitter)
LOOK at this photo. The person wearing HoloLens is none but Amitabh Kant, 1980 batch retired IAS currently serving as NITI Aayog CEO in a post-retirement assignment. The photo was posted in Twitter on Saturday after Kant was given a demonstration on what mixed reality is all about and what experiences one gets once HoloLens are worn. In fact, mixed reality, which is also described as hybrid reality, is defined as…
merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. According to Microsoft website, HoloLens developed by it is the first fully self-contained, holographic computer, enabling you to interact with high‑definition holograms in your world.
Earlier this month, the Microsoft announced that Japan Airlines is using HoloLens to improve the training experience of the airline's flight crews and mechanics. Though this mechanism, it’s much safer to understand the nuances of the aeroplane machines and cockpit instruments, as the mechanics need to work on those virtually, and not in reality. HoloLens ensures that the mechanics understand how the parts fit together even without coming nearer to a real machine. 
In May this year, NASA agreed to use HoloLens to recreate the experience of walking on Mars. It has used HoloLens to create a virtual tour on March and it was christened as ‘Destination: Mars’. It is expected to be formally launched soon. In fact, the usage of real data collected by NASA scientists from the red planet so far is expected to help making the tour almost real.
Also, the recent buzz about the video game — Pokemon Go is likely to create more interests in HoloLens. As Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently commented in a global television interview -- “Think about what that game on HoloLens would mean… You’re not trying to use a phone when you can actually use your eyes to look through”. 
It’s analyzed in international tech journals that this new technology will have many industrial applications as well. But it’s not known how soon such lenses would be worn for industrial uses in India too. 
Kant, a former industry secretary, has not however expressed his experiences after wearing the HoloLens. Will you and me experience wearing the lens soon?

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