Saturday, August 08, 2015

Govt still looking for DPS Sandhu’s replacement in World Bank?

THE government has been looking for suitable candidates at the level of deputy secretary or director in Government of India to fill up two posts of adviser to the executive director in the World Bank in place of 1987 batch IRTS officer DPS Sandhu and 1991 batch Karnataka cadre IAS LK Atheeq. It’s quite surprising that the DoPT circular dated August 6, 2015 is searching for Sandhu’s replacement, because an one and half years old circular dated January 27, 2014 (the UPA time) actually…
looked for Sandhu’s replacement. Sandhu was a director in Manmohan Singh’s PMO before he was posted in the Bank. (Read: January 2014 Circular).
According to the World Bank website, Subhash Chandra Garg, 1983 batch Rajasthan cadre IAS is currently the Executive director, India. Other officers, LK Atheeq, 1991 batch Karnataka cadre IAS and Neeraj Mittal, 1992 batch Tamil Nadu cadre IAS are senior advisers to ED in the Bank whereas Saurabh Vijay, 1998 batch Maharashtra cadre IAS is adviser to ED.
According to the new circular, the selected candidates for both the vacant posts will be located out of the World Bank’s headquarters in Washington DC and their tenure will be three years each. The mandatory qualifications for both the posts include:
1. The officer must have worked for at least two years at the Centre under the Central Staffing Scheme.
2. The officer should be clear from vigilance angle.
3. The officer should not have been debarred from central deputation.
4. The officer should have at least `Very Good' Service record. However, preference will be given to officers who have `Outstanding' service record with a grading of 9 and above.
5. The officer should not be over 54 years of age.
6. The officer should not have been posted on an assignment in a foreign/captive post of the GOI, earlier.
7. The officer should not have been nominated for foreign training or should not be on training or foreign assignment, currently.
8. The officer should not be on study leave or long leave.
9. The officer should be at least one batch below the batch of officers who are currently empanelled as joint secretary or its equivalent with the Central government.
The desirable qualifications (not mandatory) for the candidates include experience in the areas related to infrastructure development/international trade/public finance, experience in externally-aided projects, degree in economics or management or public finance or international trade.

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